Aslan's Struggle

Aslan sat in a chair opposite one of the Palace Knight commanders who happened to be one of his seniors. 

"Aslan," the man called.

"I didn't think you would fall through all of this. Becoming a noble is everyone's dream, and you threw it away by kidnapping Princess Roseanne?"

Aslan didn't answer. He had no need or interest in answering the man. Aslan was waiting for the things they had prepared for him right now by separating himself from Rosie.

If Aslan had the slightest suspicion that they prepared something that would harm him or Rosie, he would not hesitate to fight the man in front of him to catch up with Rosie right away. 

Seeing a few guards standing around him, Aslan couldn't let his guard down. It seemed they had been put there on purpose to hold him back if he tried to run away. 

"Why don't you answer my question? Do you regret your rash act?" the man asked.