Howland Know The Truth

"I'm… a little tired," replied Rosie, feeling her head spinning. Her limp legs nearly made her fall to the floor. Meg's mother caught Rosie and expressed her uttermost concern when she heard the news of what had happened to the princess.

Her aunt helped Rosie go inside and rested on the bed. Even though she almost fainted like this, the voice inside her head kept telling her that she had to run away as soon as possible.


Rosie couldn't hear anything her aunt was saying. Her head was too busy thinking about the terrible possibilities Howland might have known. 

"You look so pale. Haven't you eaten yet?" asked her aunt, which Rosie didn't listen to.

Her stomach suddenly felt cramped, perhaps because Rosie was stressed thinking about her fate. If Howland already found out about it, did Aslan also know? But, Aslan acted as usual. Nothing had changed about the man. The only thing that changed was Howland!