Starting All Over Again **

"Are you really thirty-one years old? Somehow I can't believe it. Are there adults who don't know how to dry themselves?" Rosie asked jokingly, while putting the wet cloth back on the side table. Aslan put down a pillow to cover his lap. He didn't want Rosie to see his penis that became hard by her touch.

When Aslan's body was finally dry, Rosie sat back down on the bed. She sat opposite the man who lowered his face with his lips pursed forward.

"Are you pouting because I told you to dry yourself?"

Aslan shook his head and turned his face away, causing Rosie to gasp.

"You're pouting because I refrained from having sex?"

Hearing this, Aslan frowned and then shook his head.

"So what?" Rosie asked in a high-pitched voice, starting to get annoyed that Aslan was acting like a five-year-old child who was sulking about not getting a toy.

"You mentioned age, and I feel very old. I'm eleven years older than you."