Rosie's Teasing

"Oh ... is there really no one selling anything like that on this island?" asked Rosie, who was also standing by the water jugs, ​​waiting for Aslan to pour the water from the well.

"Hmm ... kitchen needs. Such as cooking equipment, then cattle and also goats. Here, they only raise chicks because the land on this island makes it impossible to do so. What else… hm… horses. There is no one riding a horse here. Oh, and also bread. Usually, they will buy bread from other islands."

"Then, what do they sell to survive here?"

"Wood. We are in the southern part of the island. The north and west of the island are full of forests, while the port and residential areas are on the east of the island. Usually, they will sell wood products and the chickens once a month. Besides that, they also farm for themselves like I said earlier."

"Oh… sounds really cool."