Aslan Join The Party

Thus, Rosie advised Ben not to change too drastically for the woman he liked. She said women her age still had the desire to have a partner according to their heart. 

Rosie and Ben talked a lot until the main menu that was cooked together was done, and everyone queued up with their bowls to receive the food. Ben and Rosie were lining up together while Rosie explained about the things that usually happened to age gap relationships.

She and Aslan often disagreed over small things. What was on her mind sometimes didn't match with the man's wants, so they tried to discuss it. Aslan also might have only seen her as a little sister at first. Thus, his protective attitude was still high, and sometimes it was quite annoying.

"That's why yesterday I was still surprised when my husband allowed me to go to this party alone without him," Rosie said while receiving two big spoons of porridge soup served by the island chief.