His Home

Aslan helped Barl to unload all the things they had bought. He also borrowed the man's cart to carry his things. After that, he headed to Lynn and Hilda's house. He wondered why his wife wasn't waiting for him at the dock like last week.

When Aslan arrived, he found his wife was sleeping soundly with her arms stretched out on the table. Lynn said Rosie was exhausted because Hilda didn't give the girl any rest. Hilda, who was sitting listening to Lynn's complaints, only scoffed.

"Those are the consequences for learning."

"Don't push yourself too hard," said Aslan as he approached his wife who was sleeping soundly.

"I didn't force her to learn about magic. I told you it was Rosie's wish. If you don't believe me, you can ask her directly," Hilda replied.

Aslan could only let out a long sigh. He sat on his knees and stroked his wife's warm cheek gently.

"Roseanne… I'm home," Aslan said softly.