Waiting For Aslan To Wake Up

Rosie sat in a chair by the bed. It was the empty room she often used at Lynn's house when Aslan went fishing. Her husband's face looked pale. It was much paler than when the man had a fever. The bandages on his chest as well as his stomach and arms looked clean though.

Rosie touched the bandages and remembered how desperate she was at seeing her husband lying helpless this morning. The thought of her pleading to Howland for forgiveness flashed in her mind again, and she felt hurt that the man ignored her pleading. Her tears accidentally fell, and she quickly wiped them away because she had to be strong now. 

Aslan's lips looked dry and chapped. The man was clearly dehydrated. If he was healthy, Rosie would have scolded him and forced him to eat more, but right now she couldn't do it. She just hoped Aslan would open his eyes again soon.