The Photograph

Several days passed, Aslan was accepted by the burly man as one of the prisoners working in the library. Rosie had also had a chance to talk to the man several times. Some people there say that she was more suitable to be with Aslan, but she politely corrected them that her lover was Mathius.

Aslan's ears always felt itchy whenever he heard Rosie say that. He was unconsciously comparing himself and Mathius, although he knew he was more superior. It was really childish, but seeing Rosie's smile every time she met Mathius or talked about the man looking like someone who was really in love annoyed Aslan.

Aslan just didn't know that every time Rosie talked about Mathius, she only thought about the man in her head. However, she didn't say it because seeing Aslan's jealous face looked really entertaining.