Assassination Attempts

"This is crazy. Who did all this? Who is playing with dimensions and how to stop them?" He asked in annoyance.

Rosie touched her husband's shoulder and smiled. "At first it might suck, especially when I knew my life was threatened several times, but after meeting you, slowly everything was getting better. I am so grateful that I could meet you, Aslan."

Aslan smiled. Maybe this was also a gift? He didn't know. The most important thing was that he could meet Rosie here. The one who filled the loneliness of his cold heart.

Aslan leaned in for a kiss until the bells tinkled, and Rosie immediately put her hand to Aslan's lips to stop him.

Aslan still stayed in the same place. His eyes were closed with lips pouting slightly. He wanted to curse, but he held it in. He saw that Rosie was no longer in front of him, so he stood at the door again to keep watch.