Azel Choose To Join The Revolutionary Army

  "How could you be here? It's not time yet-"

"I called him," Azel interrupted. Behind Harris, there was Killian and Mathius who followed him. They immediately examined Aslan's condition, and Rosie explained everything. Harris then checked on Azel's condition and ordered Killian to request an additional blood bag with Azel's blood type immediately.

Killian nodded in understanding and immediately carried out the task. Harris then ordered Mathius to position Aslan in a comfortable place and he examined the wound that had been handled properly by Rosie.

Harris smiled at seeing Rosie's not-so-tidy stitch shape, but it was much better than before. He then added a bit of magic to tidy it up. Rosie still couldn't do stitches in the face because the face had a lot of nerves as well as more sensitive cells.