Aslan Versus Howland

Howland didn't want to wait any longer. The man raised his sword and ordered for everyone to advance and attack Aslan as he commanded. He ordered them to not touch Rosie and Azel. They could fight the others and kill them, but Rosie and Azel shouldn't be hurt one bit.

The vibrations on the ground intensified. This was the result of the horses galloping towards them at once.

"They are coming," said Azel sternly.

Azel reminded everyone to make sure that the cloth with his blood on it was still tightly tied to their arms.

Just before the troops attacked them, from behind, five giant eagles lifted the enemies from their horses and then dropped them right in the middle of the crowd of troops until the horses scattered.

Several wolves bit off the necks of the troops behind them, A swarm of flying insects sucked the blood of the troops in a second, leaving only bones and skin. Numerous helpless knights died on the spot.