Chapter 9

Liam walked straight into the lobby of his newly acquired building, occasionally nodding to the people who greeted him. He could see their curious glances and hear their whispers as he passed them by, but he did not care. He was already used to it.

He knew his effect on people, women in particular. It was not just the looks. He was not blind that he was attractive and charming. More than that, it was the power he possessed.

Some people dared to greet him, but many remained silent, intimidated by his presence. He did not mind them as long as they did their job.

"Sir, welcome to your new office. I am Jennifer Bridget, your executive secretary." The woman greeted her as he stepped out of the lift. "Would you prefer me to call you Sir, Prince Liam, or Prince Ashthorne?"

The word Prince in his name already made many women drool over him. Then, his wealth drove many social climbers and gold diggers to catch his attention.

His new secretary was no different as her eyes stared at him with desire. Her movements had an extra sway, which he would assume was for his benefit.

"Sir Liam would be fine." He corrected her, not liking using his title when he was outside of the Kingdom. In this place, he was the boss and not a prince. "Can you call the HR department head and have her report to me now?"

However, he did not mind a few attractive women showing interest in him. It was their right to express themselves. It was also his right to enjoy their attention.

But he still preferred that she worked as hard as he did because he expected more than a hundred percent output from the people working for him.

A few minutes later, the department head showed up in his office with the list of the things he had asked her to bring for their meeting.

"There are several applicants that applied as your Personal Assistant. I have their applications here." The HR head told him as she sat on the chair before him.

He usually did not need another assistant, but when he was new to a place and learning the new ropes of the business he bought, he preferred to have additional personnel who would help him deal with the basic things around him.

As his grandfather usually told him, if he had a wife, someone would be taking care of him. But he preferred to hire help, someone who he could pay to deal with those things.

It was less complicated than being tied with a woman who could have power over him. He would never subject himself to that kind of condition.

"Leave them on my desk, and I will check on them later," Liam instructed as he discussed the other issues he wished to implement under his new management.

After discussing the new rules, he also had the other management heads lining up in his office to consult the changes he wished to apply to the company.

It was already late when he had finally finished dealing with the rest of his work. But he did not mind. He liked working and achieving something.

A challenge was not over unless he had reached the top. For now, the challenge of building an empire in this city had just begun. He still had a lot of work to be done. He barely started yet.

"Jennifer, you can go home." He called his secretary, who had been working hard since he arrived.

He could see her diligence in accomplishing every task he threw her way. She was not only a pretty face, but her credentials were truly remarkable.

Still, he would not tolerate any inappropriate acts during working time. He had always avoided office romance or flirting since it more or less created many problems in the workspace.

"Yes, Sir Liam." She finally acknowledged, looking exhausted from working long hours.

But he could see that she finally realized he was here only for business and nothing more as she grabbed her things and left. Then, he was alone on his floor, just like how he always wanted it.

He stood up from his chair and walked towards his office's floor-to-ceiling window.

His grandfather would always say to him that inheriting a name was easy but making a mark in the world was more tricky and challenging but far more rewarding.

Then, his phone rang, and seeing it was his grandfather, he quickly answered it. "How is your first day at work?" As usual, his grandfather would inquire about his new acquisition.

Unlike his father, who had never been responsible for anything in his life, his grandfather had raised him to be who he was today. He owed many accomplishments in his young life due to his guidance.

"As expected, hard." But that was one more thing his grandfather taught him. Nothing in life is easy. "But I think we made the right decision to invest in this company and this city."

So far, based on his investigation and the studies made by his team of experts, they might have a gold mine in their hands. Still, not everything would be easy as picking them up from the soil. It would be a long process before they could see its value.

Then, his eyes landed on the folders on his desk, remembering that he still needed to choose his assistant. Although he did not require a genius to handle his daily activities, he still needed one who might know how to handle things.

"What about the girl that I ask you to see?" Count Ashthorne asked on the line. "Did you find her?"

He still could not understand his grandfather's fascination with that girl. He found her alright, but she did not seem interested since she did not show up or called him yet.

"No, not yet. But why are you so keen to reunite this girl with her father." He decided not to report his encounter with the girl. At least not yet, until he learned more. "Anyway, why don't you just tell me who you are referring to as her father."

He was also curious since his grandfather had never acted irrationally before. However, the Count was growing old. He might be going senile.

Anyway, he still owed his grandfather for everything he had done for him. If this should be his last wish, he would gladly help him. But that was the extent of his interest in this girl.

"Soon. For now, try to find Luisa and convince her to see me. I want to meet her." His grandfather requested as Liam continued to review the files in his hands.

Then, he stumbled on a name. What a big coincidence! Or was it fate?