Chapter 17

As Luisa stepped inside the exquisite lobby, her nerves were suddenly on edge, reminding herself that she would be working for this company, one of the biggest companies in this city.

Noreen helped her research some information about the company she would be working for and the owner. At least she learned that her job would not be as hard as she initially thought.

But she would be working for a slightly intimidating, aged man that was said to be strict in his rules. He had reached the top because he never believed in tardiness, disobedience, and excuses.

"Are you sure you can handle taking orders from him?" She remembered her friend's question before they parted ways.

She went on her way to her new job while Noreen returned to school for her exams. But she still wondered if she could manage to accomplish her task.

How would she know if she would not try?

For someone desperate, just like her, she was determined to prove that she could handle any job thrown her way. She would not give up unless her body surrendered to the pressure.

But, of course, she would still not do anything against her principle. It was simple. She would not stoop so low to ruin her reputation, not even for money.

Besides, the worse that could happen was she would get fired.

"Hi!" Luisa smiled at the receptionist from yesterday. But she only glanced at her for a second before continuing to talk on the phone. "I am here for the job." She continued, but the woman only held her index finger in the air, telling her to wait.

She looked around the lobby, checking out the other parts she did not bother to look at when she first came here. Then, her eyes scanned the people around the area as if searching for someone, but seeing no familiar face.

Her attention returned to the woman behind the counter. "Excuse me. I am Luisa Richmond. I am here for the Personal Assistant position." But the woman still told her to wait.

Then, a finger poked her in the shoulder, slightly startling her and making her turn. Her eyes widened in surprise and a smile curved on her lips upon seeing her friend.

"Hey, you came." A man in a light blue shirt and a tie greeted her, giving her a slight hug before letting her go. "Are you applying for the job?"

"Yeah, Vinnie," Luisa responded, happy to see her friend in this unfamiliar place. At least she already had a friend who would be working with her. "Thanks for telling me about this job."

She tilted her face to his friend, a few inches taller than her, to look directly into his eyes. She would not have known about the job opening if not for him.

They might not have been friends for a long time, but they made a connection that bonded them. To her, they were like long-lost brothers and sisters, together with Noreen.

"I thought you might not like it, but if you work hard, eventually you will find it exciting and maybe get promoted to a better position," Vinnie told her.

"Whether I like it or not, I am desperate. But I promise. I will do my best not to mess this up." She whispered near his ears, not wanting the others to hear her.

She owed this opportunity to her friend. If anyone knew that he was the one who told her about this job, then they might turn on him for her messes. But she would make sure that her friend would be proud of her for doing an excellent job.

"Ms. Luisa Richmond." The woman had finally called her. "Ms. Richmond." She repeated when she did not hear the first time.

"Wait." She left her friend and talked to the woman at the desk.

"Yes," Luisa finally responded with enthusiasm.

"Here is your temporary work pass. Please proceed to the HR Department." The woman handed her a piece of plastic card that she could use to operate the elevator.

"Thanks." She took it and smiled at the woman after giving her the instructions.

"I guess I will see you later, Vinnie. Thanks again for this." She turned to her friend, who was looking at her with knitted brows.

"Ok. I'll see you later." Vinnie smiled at her, looking pleased with the news.

"Ms. Richmond, please hurry up because the big boss is already waiting for you. You are already late." The woman again spoke to her impatiently before she could leave the desk. "Take that elevator now." She pointed to the elevator on her right.

"Bye, Vinnie." She uttered as she sprinted to the elevator that was about to close.

"Wait." She faintly heard her friend call to her, but she just barely caught the doors from closing. "I think there is some sort of a mistake."

She was unsure whether she heard her friend right, but what could be the mistake? She would have to ask him later after settling on her new job.

She did not hear her friend say she was supposed to work in the mail room. Her friend was wondering why the big boss was waiting for her.

After the HR staff explained the company's policies, rules, and regulations, she signed some standard forms for the legal process of her acceptance of the job.

"Here is your access card to the building. You are allowed only at several levels in this building. The list is in that file I gave you." Bianca said.

But her eyes spotted a few people looking her way, seemingly whispering among themselves. She noticed they kept glancing as if she was a rare specie they had to see.

"You can proceed to the top floor, to the CEO's office. Jennifer is already waiting for you." Bianca kept talking. Then, she gave her a permanent key card as her ID badge.

"Hey, Bianca, I hope you don't mind checking. But do I have something on my face?" She finally asked, leaning closer to her. She did not want to look stupid in front of her new boss on her first day working for him. After all, the first impression last.

"You look just fine. But honestly." Bianca also leaned forward to her and whispered. "Everybody was wondering if you would last a week working for..."

"Bianca, Jennifer is already asking for the new PA." Another staff in the room shouted, interrupting them.

"I guess that is your cue. Good luck." Bianca offered her hand for a shake and sent her on her way.

She was not surprised but what she said. From what she read on the net, he was a hard man to please. Mr. Griffin did not tolerate incompetence and only wanted perfection.

She hurried to the elevator, which was a different one. It was the exclusive elevator for the top levels to which her card had access.

Perks of being the Personal Assistant of the CEO.