Chapter 23

"Of course, we do not mind. We welcome all the help we can get." Mr. Ramon's eager voice sounded behind her.

She turned around and found the Shelter organizer standing not far behind her, probably overhearing what the man before her said.

If she had to decide, she would have done the same thing. Why would she not accept such a generous offer? She did ask for a miracle, and here it was, handed to them on a silver platter.

"Great." The man waved his hand, and another man in a suit, but much younger, approached them.

"I like you to assist Mr. Ramon with what he needs for today." The newcomer, who appeared to be a good samaritan, said to his assistant.

"By the way, this is Luisa and Noreen. They are volunteers helping me out today." Mr. Ramon introduced them to the man of the hour. "Luisa, would you mind assisting Sir Julius? Maybe tell him about the place."

"Oh, that would be wonderful." The other man responded enthusiastically, looking from Mr. Ramon to her.

With a few more instructions, the other man rushed out with his phone, probably doing his bidding with Mr. Ramon following beside him. She did not have time to protest.

She could only imagine what money could do. With a snap of a finger, all dreams came true. Well, at least that was how she imagined it. But she still believed that not all things had a price tag. Not everything was for sale.

Nobody could buy true happiness.

"Hello, I am Julius." The man finally introduced himself formally, putting his hand before her and her friend.

"I am Noreen." Her friend immediately offered her hand, expecting the man would shake it, but instead, he pulled it up and landed a gentle kiss on her knuckles.

Then, he turned to her.

"Luisa, but many call me Luis." She also had no choice but to offer her hand. Just like her friend, he also placed his lips on her knuckles, but she barely felt them on her skin.

It did not feel creepy like the way she initially thought it would be. She wondered in what era or where this man came from since no one she knew used this gesture anymore. It was so ancient. She only saw this in movies and fairytales.

"Well, girls, what can you tell me about this place?" Sir Julius, as Mr. Ramon referred to him, asked.

It was more or less why she would like to protest earlier. She did not know much about the facility since she was not a full-time volunteer. She was sure someone else was more qualified to talk about it than she.

"I'm sorry, Sir Julius, but my responsibility calls me." Noreen excused herself, hearing her name from the kitchen. "Sorry, Luis." Placing her hands on her chest, apologizing as she ran away from them, leaving her to deal with their guest.

She had no problem talking with people. She believed she was good at it as long as it would not end up in discrimination or insult. Then she had no problem.

"I guess that leaves you, Luisa, to entertain an old man like me." He said, which gave her no choice as she ushered him to a table not far from where they stood.

"You are not that old." She started, but when the man raised his brows at her, she had to admit the truth. "You are just an aged and experienced man."

She never liked using the word old because it connoted negative things. Since she had no choice might as well tell what she knew about the Shelter.

"That is a better way of saying it." Sir Julius smiled at her with his eyes focused on her face. He seemed to be staring at her as if he was fascinated. She suddenly wondered if she had something stuck in her teeth or a smudge on her cheeks.

"Ok. That was not much. I know. But Mr. Ramon would fill in the rest of your possible questions once he had fixed the problem." Luisa could only say so much. She did not want to lie to this man.

"Fine, but what about you? Why are you here?" Sir Julius suddenly asked as he took the food and the refreshment served by one of the volunteers.

She expected he would decline the offer since men like him did not eat food served in this kind of place. But he drank the juice and ate the meal without hesitation, joining her as they ate and conversed simultaneously.

"Because I am helping out Mr. Ramon," Luisa answered.

Still, she could not help but wonder what was going through the man's mind as his eyes kept gazing at her face. It was like he was studying her.

"I meant, why are you volunteering in this place when you can go out with your friends and have fun or rest instead? It is a Sunday, after all." Sir Julius continued, clarifying his question.

"Because I already gave my word to Mr. Ramon. I am supposed to work today, but the Shelter needed me more, and I already promised I would help." She admitted, suddenly wondering why she was sharing this information with this stranger.

Anyway, as if her life was a worthy topic. She believed he was only trying to be polite to pass the time while he was waiting for Mr. Ramon. His interest had nothing to do with her.

"Hmmm... A woman of your word. That is something I don't see in young people nowadays. Your parents must be proud of you." Sir Julius said with a dashing smile as if his words carried more meaning.

How she wished that was the case. Although she could feel her mother loved and respected her, she would not associate the word proud with her mother. Her mother never liked or supported what she wanted with her life.

Regarding her father, that was something she may never found out unless her mother or someone could point her in the right direction.

"What about you? Why do you wish to help the Shelter?" She could not help it. If he could ask questions, so thus, she.

The man stared at her as if he was memorizing her face. Suddenly, she could not help but feel embarrassed. Nobody had given her that much interest before.

Not really, her mind reminded her. Someone recently did. Suddenly, the eyes of this gentleman reminded her of that someone. She was unsure if it was the same, but she believed it had similarities.

"I guess you are not the only one who likes to help." The man answered wittily, putting a card on the table and pushing it in her direction. "I like you. If you need any help, I hope you will give me a call."

Could they be related?

Based on appearance, both had a good build, height, and handsome features in her observation. She assumed both were wealthy. In terms of character, this man sitting across from her was far a better person, no doubt.

So the answer to her question.

Not likely.