Chapter 33

The man stood in front of his desk, not saying a word but looming before him. He knew his assistant was waiting for him to say something, but he pretended to be busy, wishing to ignore him until this man tired and removed himself from his presence.

But to his dismay, the man was more stern and stubborn than he thought as he remained patiently waiting until he acknowledged him. Of course, what was he to do but look up and raise his brows at the man in question?

"Is there something else you need?" He finally asked when the man seemed to respond only to a verbal question.

"Yes, my Prince, I already rearranged your schedule to accommodate the dinner party for tonight," Wesley informed him while hovering in front of his desk.

"I also took the liberty of picking your clothes. It is already hanging in your private chambers." Indicating the adjacent room of his office.

He always wished Wesley worked for him due to his efficiency and skills instead of his grandfather. However, his loyalty to his grandfather was immeasurable, something that he could not find in the assistants who had worked for him before.

"As you can see, I am busy. I still have many things I need to do." Liam answered him, not intending to attend this gathering his grandfather had probably set up for him.

Lately, he had avoided joining his grandfather in social events. Experience taught him that the Count would only play matchmaker with the granddaughters or daughters of his friends.

At the moment, the last thing he needed was a wife. But telling his grandfather his disinterest in the girls he kept parading before him always ended up in an argument, which was useless and counterproductive.

"I can see that. And your grandfather said you might say that." Wesley responded with a tight smile. It was clear he was not intimidated by him. "But your grandfather had strict instructions. He needs you to be present at the party."

Liam leaned on his chair, watching the other man aiding as his temporary assistant. He had known him for more than two decades of his young life and gained so much respect for the man.

However, he did not like his tone and the expression on his face. He believed that his grandfather might have put him into this. But whatever the two of them planned, he could guess he would not like it.

"Or else, what?" He asked the underlying message. Knowing the Count, he always had something up his sleeves.

His grandfather might look like a saint in the eyes of everyone around them. But in all honesty, he also had short horns on his head and a tail between his ass.

Hard to believe, but it was true.

Liam was not saying that his grandfather was the villain in the story, but Count Julius had his ways of forcing people to do things.

His grandfather could play the devil without anyone noticing and manipulate people to do his bidding with a treat or a threat, whichever would work in his favor.

But in the end, he still looked great, clean as a sheet of blank paper, without a stain of what he had done. No one would see the other side of the coin, the naughty and wicked side of the great Count.

"You can ask him about that. I am just the messenger." Wesley took his phone out, ready to call the Count. "Do you want to speak with him?"

But before he could respond to the other man, another person showed up at his door. His eyes locked with her before an idea came to him.

"No need. Tell the Count I am joining him tonight." Liam decided it was no use to battle with this two since he would only feel frustrated. Better to give in to what his grandfather wanted but on his terms, not his.

"Very well, Sir." His assistant answered, tucking the phone back into his jacket and slightly moving away. Wesley seemed satisfied that he finally surrendered to the wishes of his grandfather.

"I hope I am not interrupting something important." His visitor asked as she strode further into the room. "Hello, Wesley. It is nice to see you." Addressing the other man in the room.

"Of course, you are not interrupting. Do you need anything?" He stood up from his chair to greet her, planting two kisses on her cheeks before offering her a seat.

"It is nice to see you too, Ms. Middleton," Wesley responded with a forced smile. "If there is nothing else you need. I will return to my table."

He watched Wesley excuse himself when he dismissed him, walking out the door, closing it behind him, and leaving them alone. But not before he showed a slight distaste on his lips.

It would seem that his grandfather was not alone in his dislike of her. But he did not care what they thought. He liked Eli because they shared a lot of things in common. She also served many purposes in his plans.

He knew somehow he was using her, but the feeling was mutual. They had never lied about their intentions. He had always been honest with what he wanted in their relationship, whether in terms of work or friendship.

"Where is your assistant, and why is Wesley here?" Her eyebrows raised in question, probably wondering also where his grandfather was.

"It is a long story, but anyway. What do you have in mind?" He was not in the mood to talk about her. It was already great not to see her all day and hear her voice.

"Not business, but I hope you can join me for dinner. I seriously need some company." Eli suggested, looking slightly down. "This place is getting boring. I need some fun. I can also see you are too stressed out."

He had seldom seen her down like this. Eli was always a lively person who knew what she wanted and took it without any excuse. But everyone did have some weak moments.

Besides, she was right.

This place was different from the other places he had been. He could not pinpoint the exact problem, but his mind kept nagging at him about something. But, of course, he wished to deny it.

"Well, I am going to a dinner party with my grandfather." He told her that he already had a plan, but the disappointment on her face made him think again.

"That should be fun. I am sure the Count had already lined up all the eligible girls in this city for your picking as your future bride." Eli mocked him, finally earning him a burst of laughter.

Eli knew about the wishes of his grandfather for him to marry soon. But she was also aware of his plans.

She was not into commitment, and randomly dating was not her style either. In a sense, they were the same, which made them a perfect team.

They occasionally sought each other out when they needed some company. But there was no pressure, no commitment, and no emotional attachment.

"You are welcome to join us." Liam decided it would be perfect.

"Do you like to be my human shield?" He offered, seeing it was the solution to their problems.

It would be fun.

If his grandfather could play his games, so could he.