Chapter 49

"Oh my!" She could not believe it. What? Why? How? As questions plagued her mind as she held on to her sanity.

What just happened? She quickly rummaged her brain for something to clear her mind of her current predicament. To explain to her why she was in this mess in the first place.

Presently, she had a terrible headache, still sleepy, confused, dazed, scared, alarmed, and many more as she stood immobile at the center of her apartment, unable to open the damn door.

"What the fuck?" She still could not fathom why her boss was here in her room. It did not make sense.

It was crazy because she could hardly remember anything that had happened to her last night. Then, to open her eyes and find herself gazing into her boss's eyes was a total shock. Not just that.

Why was he also in her room, kissing her? Technically, making out with her. It was insane. She slapped herself once. Then another one, hoping to snap her from this nightmare, but she still stood there, facing her reality.