Chapter 5

"Hey, can we talk?" The unexpected voice spooked her, quickening her heartbeat as her hands automatically clutched her chest, accidentally making her drop her keys on the concrete floor.

She was not usually easily scared, but her emotions had been on edge. Besides, she thought she was alone. In addition, in this city, anything could happen.

"I am sorry. I did not mean to scare you." The man continued, raising his hands on his sides as if surrendering, likely seeing her stunned face.

"Damn it!" She loudly mumbled as she tried to calm her heart down. "You should never sneak up on a girl in a dark alley like that." She shrieked at the guy, recognizing his distinct accent.

It was him again, and what was he doing, following her outside? Did he finally recognize who she was? The same questions kept bothering her.

"What do you want?" She asked, seeing him standing close by. "Are you lost because the restaurant is there?" She pointed to the other side, hoping he would leave her alone, still showing off a brave front even if her hands were starting to tremble.

Suddenly, she wondered if he was a stalker, but who would want to stalk her? Then, why was he following her? Was he here to abduct her? Now, she could feel her heart racing inside her chest.

Then her wild imagination set in, conjuring images of Royalty imprisoning their slaves in dungeons underneath their castles. But that was nonsense. There were no such palatial structures that existed today. Now, it only belonged to fairy tale books.

"I heard what happened." His expression looked softer than this morning, but that would not fool her. However, she did not see the need to respond to his statement.

She quickly bent down, but he also did, both of them grabbing her keys simultaneously. But that was not all as they bumped their heads together, making her almost stumbled on the ground.

Fortunately, he had gripped her tightly around her arms. Else, she might have fallen flat on the hard surface.

Not again.

"Would you stop doing that?" She irritatedly said as she snatched herself out of his grip once she had found her equilibrium.

She was nervous, confused, and angry at this man at the same time. She had no idea what he wanted from her. He could easily hurt her by his sheer size, she mentally noted.

She knew she had to get out of there fast.

"What?" He asked, looking confused as he stood there just watching her. "If I did something to offend or scare you, I am sorry." The stranger pulled his hands away from her.

"Stop bumping into me. Stop saving me, and stop touching me." She mumbled.

She quickly stepped away from him, unable to say anything else as she waited for his response. She wanted to leave, but her keys were still in his hands.

"Ok. I was only trying to be helpful. But as you wish." He said as he also moved a step back.

She was still suspicious of him but slightly relieved that he complied with her wishes.

"Can I have my keys back?" Luisa finally asked, extending her hand.

"Sure, after you answer my question." The man called Prince Liam said. "Honestly." He added as if he had already caught her in a lie.

He stepped a few feet away, finally giving her space to breathe and relax, but he kept his eyes on her. She could feel his stare studying her face as if he was searching for something.

"Ok! What is the question? Be quick since I want to get home?" Finally, realizing she had no choice.

"Why did you lie to me earlier?" He asked what she dreaded to hear. Now, she just confirmed that he had found her.

She could feel his eyes boring into her eyes even if she tried to avoid looking directly at his face. It was like he was reading her, learning all her secrets, making her vulnerable, a weakness she never liked experiencing.

"You are Luisa Richmond." It was a statement that she knew she should not bother denying.

"So, what is it to you? I don't know you. I don't owe you an explanation." She sassily answered, not letting this formidable man intimidate her.

That made her stare at him, suspicious of his intention. What was this man want from her? She was confident that seeing him now was not a coincidence.

"Fair enough." He seemed to accept her answer as he played with her keys in his hands.

"Why are you looking for me anyway?" She finally asked, tired of the suspense, the guessing, and the confusion.

She needed an answer so she could finally turn him away and never have to see and deal with him again. She was sure that this was just one misunderstanding. Probably, an error or mistaken identity.

"Frankly, I am just a messenger." The Prince said as he twirled her keys in his hands. "Somebody else wishes to speak with you."

"And why would I want to speak with him?" Luisa challenged this young Prince, standing her ground as she stared into his eyes.

"Because I think he knew things that might interest you, Ms. Luisa Richmond?" He enunciated her name carefully. "Something I think that relates to your true identity."

"Who is this person, and why send you instead of just seeking me out himself." She asked, doubtful that she believed this man. But his words did catch her attention.

"I am sorry, but I can't answer that." Prince Liam shrugged his shoulder. "You have to ask him that yourself if you see him." He added as if that was the only way.

"What if I don't want to see him?" She asked, a bit skeptical about his suggestion.

"Then, you won't have to." He answered as if it was not his problem.

She looked at him as if she could not believe him. Why was he giving her an easy way out? Is this a game for these rich people? Did they think they could play with the lives of poor folks like her?

"But if you want to know more about it." He pulled a piece of paper from his breast pocket and handed the paper and the keys to her hand.

"Call me, and I will arrange your meeting."

"Again, this is all your choice." Then, he walked away, leaving her in the alley.