Chapter 64

She looked ahead, not caring if her head hurt from developing stiff muscles on her neck and shoulders. She wished to avoid gazing into his face or any part of his body.

It was hard enough for her to avoid smelling his masculine scent in the confinement of this small space. She did not want to start this journey by ogling at him as well.

"Just keep your hands to yourself." She internally performed her monologue, reminding herself that this was just a job, nothing more. "And your eyes away from him."

Besides, if he needed her, he would call her attention. Although she was his assistant, it did not mean she had to be at his beck and call during the entire day. At least, that was her understanding on this trip.

Was she right about that? She would find out soon enough, but in the meantime, she would prevent anything that he would misinterpret as sexual innuendo coming from her.