Chapter 75

She opened her eyes, thinking it would be a wonderful day, her lips curved into a smile as she gazed at the window. She could not remember what she dreamt last night, but, in a way, it made her feel great to start her day.

Compared to the busy street, the honking of horns and the shouting that usually woke her up at her place, birds chirping outside her window, probably resting on the large tree, echoed in her room. It was indeed a beautiful sound.

Who knew that such a place still existed in this day and age? She certainly did not expect she would end up in a castle when she left her home yesterday, not in a million years.

"Wait," Luisa remembered she had forgotten to call her friend last night. With all the excitement, the tension, and the pain, she passed out cold after dinner.

The Count visited her last night, a few hours after the Prince had helped her into her room. Then, he decided she should not move around because of her condition.