Chapter 81

He was about to enter the room when his phone vibrated. He wanted to ignore it, but his nature prevented him from doing so. Quickly, he pulled it out of his pocket and checked the caller.

It was his friend, not Eli or his grandfather. Then, he remembered he did not want to talk to anyone. He decided that his friend could wait. He turned his phone off, not wanting to receive another call.

In the case of an emergency, Wesley would know where to find him as he finally entered the room and locked it from the inside. It was a habit he had acquired through the years when he did not want to face his father or mother.

"I need a drink." He told himself. Immediately, he proceeded to the bar hidden on one of the bookshelves near the window. 

He needed a stiff drink than what he drank at the party. He had to drown himself out of this nonsense, hoping to wake up to his old self. But who was he kidding? When did alcohol help him with his problem?