Chapter 102

This handsome and seemingly formidable middle-aged man must be someone as important as the Count or even more, judging from his stance. 

Nevertheless, whoever this man was, it was now irrelevant to her situation since she had no more business being there. She had already told him that she would be resigning from her post and returning home. 

Therefore, what was she still doing there? She should be walking away from him and going home. What was stopping her as she watched the two interact? 

Did she still want to talk to him? No, that was not the reason. She could not care less about his explanations anymore. She had enough humiliation to last her for a lifetime.

However, she did not want to be rude to the new guest by walking away. Or cause a scene that would put the Count in a compromising situation. That was a more plausible explanation. Besides, not everything was about him, she told herself.