Chapter 125

Did she fall asleep while in the tub? But the image of him was so vivid. It was more detailed than her other dreams as he stood before the counter, facing the mirror as if searching for something.

But he was not completely naked as she initially thought, seeing that he still had a towel wrapped around his waist. But from what she could see, he was already perfect. A greek god sent to create havoc in women's hearts.

She feasted her eyes on his delectable body, enjoying the view. It was the only way she could fantasize about him without feeling guilty or ashamed. She took advantage of the opportunity of looking at something mesmerizing.

Then, he finally glanced her way, appearing slightly surprised to see her. His eyes widened before sharpening at her. "Are you enjoying the view?" He suddenly asked as he finally turned to look at her, showing off his masculine physique.