Chapter 135

He walked into the room feeling nostalgic. Immediately, his eyes scanned the only real treasure he considered in this world. He was a fool back in his youth to think that money, title, position, gold, and all those worldly possessions were the only thing that mattered in his life.

But when his wife died, everything changed. It took losing her before he came to realize that it was his family that was the most valuable thing in his life. But he could not turn back the clock. Time had passed, and he had already made many mistakes.

"I know it is too late to mend my mistakes with our son." Count Julius muttered under his breath as he looked up at the portrait of his wife displayed in the room.

This room was his favorite part of the palace, his safe haven away from everything else. It was where he had kept all the memorabilia of his wife and his family. The only treasure that he valued dearly to his heart.