Chapter 139

Unlike the other time, Arnold announced the arrival of the King. But he was not alone this time as her only daughter, Princess Annette, joined him. 

However, the look on her face was not excitement but of someone forced to be there. Not much different from Liam, she concluded. Maybe it may have something to do with their generation.

She guessed cooking had become an option but not a necessity. For the rich, as Liam said, he hired people to do it for him. For her, she was too busy with other things to appreciate cooking.

"I am happy that you both are joining us." The King said as they stood in the kitchen, addressing her and the Prince. "I hope you don't mind if my daughter joins us." He turned to the Count.

"I would rather not." The Princess mumbled on her side. "You know I have better things to do than learn this menial task." She continued, acting like a spoiled child, although she was far from being a child.