Chapter 150

She was cramming to finish most of her current projects before going to her next meeting. Today was just too much. And besides, her head was already full of other things filling her with worries.

Her daughter had been out there, all alone with the pack of wolves. She said she was ok, and the Count said her daughter was doing just fine. But she felt something was still off. 

Something did not feel right. And that was mother's instinct telling her.

What more could go wrong today?

"Are you ready? They are already waiting for you, Sarah." Her assistant showed up in her office with a worried look. "Are you sure you are ok? I have never seen you like this."

Her assistant walked further into the room, picking up some papers on the floor that she must have accidentally pushed on the side of her table. But she did not notice.

"Why? What do I look like?" She asked, curious since she had not looked in the mirror since she left her home that morning.