Chapter 193

Her eyes almost bulged out of their sockets when she entered the ballroom. It was like entering a fairy tale book as her eyes roamed around every corner of the room.

Assorted colorful decorations and unique varieties of flowers littered every available vase, and they were everywhere. Then, bright lights made the chandeliers shine, looking like diamonds floating above them. But that was not all. 

Luisa heard a piano, a violin, and some other instruments playing a beautiful melody that made the room appear festive and lively. Overall, she could only surmise it was an enchanting experience.

"How did your grandfather manage all this?" She whispered to Liam, unable to imagine how the Count made this all happen in such a short time.

Maybe she was exaggerating by saying this was the best she had seen. Probably to them, this was just another ordinary celebration. But in her defense, nobody had ever given her a party like this before.