Chapter 201 

He took the advice of his friend and left them. He immediately went to her side. But his eyes could not help but stare at her face. There was something peculiar with her eyes. He believed he had seen it more times than he could remember.

But could it be a coincidence?

"Hey, can I interrupt and dance with my fiance?" He guessed he was not as jealous proof as he thought. He still felt he needed to remind Cole that he should never overstep his boundaries.

But it was a lot of improvement compared to the last time he showed him to keep his hands to himself and off his girl. At the moment, he did not feel the need to beat him to a pulp.

And to think that, at the time, he was not even aware that he was already jealous when men showed attention to her. He finally admitted, at least to himself, that his obsession with keeping her to himself was evident in his actions.