Chapter 206

He watched the entire scene with critical eyes, knowing that anything could happen at any point in time during this festivity. He would never trust anyone present in this ballroom, not even the Prince who took the heart of his goddaughter.

Evan had protected her during her entire life, and not one of these fools would hurt her now. However, he awaited the judgment of his dear friend, knowing he had done him wrong. But he supposed today was not the day since his friend failed to join them.

"Evan, Amelia." He heard another voice of a friend call their names. He guessed he could not dodge this one. "We are sorry that we are late."

He turned around with his wife and faced some of the people they had been lying to for more than two decades. Now, he wondered if their friends would recognize her, Eida. Did they still remember her face?

"Alex, Dani." He and his wife greeted the couple that had just arrived.