Chapter 209

When she walked away from the Crown Prince, her eyes automatically searched for her would-be husband. She felt like she should share this moment with someone. 

Somehow, he was the first person that crossed her mind. She guessed she could finally confirm that she felt more than just mere attraction for him. He meant more to her than she could ever imagine.

"Hi! I think you did great out there. Nice moves." A beautiful woman praised her. She was most likely around her age or slightly younger. "You certainly taught Annette some lesson."

She turned to the woman and smiled, seeing that she looked genuinely pleased with her. "Honestly, I think I overdid it." She admitted, slightly feeling guilty since many seemed to have witnessed the scene. 

She guessed she hated humiliating another person in front of everybody, even if that person deserved it. Not even if that someone was as mean as the Princess.