Chapter 215

Luisa remembered reading a scene like this in fairy tale books. She felt like she was in a Hanzel and Gretel story with the gingerbread house. The house was nothing close to a palace but had its enchanting appeal.

The location also added to its mystery as large old trees surrounded the perimeter of the place. Then the chirping of the birds, followed by the sound of the forest as the wind blew around them, added to its charm.

"What are you intending to do with this place?" Her eyes roamed around the area, learning that Liam immediately bought this place on impulse when the owner decided he wished to sell it. 

However, she noticed that he had not touched the structure, seeing the old wooden door, the slightly broken flooring by the porch, and the cobwebs covering the front of the house.

She would guess that no one had lived in this house for years. Even the front lawn had tall grasses, scattered leaves, and unkempt fences that needed repairs.