Chapter 235

It was already morning as the sun rose from the east side, yet she only slept for a few minutes. At least, that was what it felt like since she lay in one of the guestrooms in the Count's palace.

Of course, yesterday's event was still fresh in her mind, especially last night's dinner with the King. How could she forget when she had dreaded that encounter for years?

"Sarah? Are you there?" A knock on her door notified her that someone else had woken up early today and could not wait to see her. "Are you awake?"

She stared one last time at the ceiling for a few seconds and expelled a deep breath before answering her friend. "Yeah! Come in, Amelia." She hollered as she shifted into a sitting position, dangling her feet on the side of the bed.

She stood up and grabbed the robe at the foot of the bed, putting them on as she glanced at her friend walking further inside the room. She could see the millions of questions swirling in her eyes as she approached her.