Chapter 238

She knew she had no choice but to look back at her. She did not wish to be rude when she did nothing to deserve it. But she contemplated if she needed a piece of advice from her.

"Maybe you don't need it, but I wish to give it to you anyway." She stood up from the chair and walked closer to her. Now it was just the counter that separated them as she came face to face with her.

"If I don't need it, maybe you should keep it to yourself." She countered since she had no idea what this woman would tell her. She was not her friend nor even an acquaintance. 

"True, but I feel obligated to warn you." She reluctantly said, as if she was having second thoughts. 

Nonetheless, she put her guard up. Something told her that she might not like what she was about to say to her. Still, she stopped cutting the veggies for her sandwich and focused her eyes on her.