Chapter 244

He heard the door slamming before he saw who had entered the room. However, he could already guess who it was. Only two people had the guts to throw tantrums before the King. That was the Queen and his daughter.

"Have you gone mad?" The accusing voice reverberated in the room. But he did not pay heed to her as he continued to don his shirt and buttoned it up. He had had enough of her dramatics, at least for today.

He could hear her rustling behind him, probably pacing the floor of his room as she waited impatiently for his response. 

As the second ticked by, he could not help but smile, eventually picturing his wife breathing fire against her nostrils while smoke came out of her ears as she burned with anger.

"Are you going to stand there and ignore me?" She spoke again, sounding more intolerant as she came closer to him. "And what is so funny?" She probably noticed the smile on his face.