Chapter 262

She had a great time at the party despite having some awkward moments with some of the guests. She believed she still enjoyed every moment, the conversations, the dance, and the time spent with her fiance, family, the King, and her new friends.

But was the event over? Not yet.

"Can we all gather outside to join our gallant men participating in our traditional games?" The host of the celebration announced over the loudspeakers, inviting all the guests to transfer to the open grounds.

She was unsure what to expect from the next event since it was the first time she would experience something like this. She was curious and excited to watch this match, especially after learning that Liam was participating.

"What is this game again?" She asked her fiance, thrilled when she heard that involved riding a horse. "How do they play this game?" Showing her enthusiastic interest in learning more about it.