Chapter 264

She was glad that the game was over. She could say she was not a fanatic of men using horses to play their silly matches. Or maybe, she did not like any sports at all.

"Nat, will you excuse us? We need to me with Kason's parents." Leana called her attention as the couple stood to leave.

Luisa had already left for the bathroom, which left her with the three stooges, Cole, Tyler, and Clay. That was how he saw the three, the funny one, the thinker, and the dumb one. 

The two seemed to enjoy their conversation, while the other one seemed to be keeping to himself. Clay appeared to be oblivious to the people around him.

She did not know what his problem was, but she did to want to ruin her day just because of him. If he preferred to ignore her, so be it. She was growing tired of waiting for him to love her again.

"Go ahead. I will be ok." She did not have a choice. Anyway, she could handle these three clowns sitting in front of her.