Chapter 266

He had to assign one of the best of his men to take charge of the security of the King while he performed his other secret tasks. He could use this opportunity to collect more information while the people he investigated gathered in one event.

"Would you point me in the direction of the garden?" He pretended to be a lost guest, asking for directions as he bumped into a server carrying a tray of used glasses back to the kitchen.

He swiftly grabbed the empty champagne flute Ms. Luisa Richmond drank from, cautiously picking the right one while distracting the other man from noticing his plans.

"If you went straight ahead in this direction..." The man pointed to him a straight path through the other side of the ballroom. "You will find the door that leads to the garden."

Of course, he already knew that, but he still nodded, appearing to listen while his hand secured the glass inside his pocket. Then, he followed the path that the man had said.