Chapter 272

He grabbed his cane and stood up, wanting to stretch his legs caused by sitting long in his favorite chair. He walked toward the window to gaze at the moon that shone brightly in the sky. It would have been better if it was a full moon, but a crescent shape was not bad, either.

"I need you to keep what you know to yourself, Liam." He voiced his request without looking at his grandson, who also stood to grab a drink from the minibar. "At least for the meantime." He added.

He could sense his grandson's gaze on him, probably looking at him with those prying eyes. But he knew Liam somewhat understood his meaning. He might already have an idea of what he was talking about.

"I will know more about what you are asking me to do if you tell it straight to my face. Instead of speaking in riddles, Grandpapa." His grandson finally moved to his side, carrying a whiskey in his hand.