Chapter 280

She received a message from an unknown number, but it did not indicate who the sender was. It was just a short text telling her to meet someone in an hour at a particular place. 

She knew the place, and it was just a short drive. But still, the text sounded sketchy. Therefore, she debated whether to take it seriously. It could be anybody, or it could be a prank.

"Who do you think is it?" Amelia asked when she told her about it.

She shrugged her shoulders while staring again at the message. She wondered if it was Lance since he wished to talk to her again about Luisa. Or it could be the Count or the Queen demanding that she and her daughter pack up their things and leave.

"No idea. I guess it could be anybody." She surmised as her curiosity grew. 

Still, she cautioned herself to be careful. She did not want to fall into a trap where her life might end up in danger. Sadly, that was something she should not ignore under their current situation.