Chapter 292

She could feel his pain twisting inside her guts. And the hard part about it was the thought that she had been the cause of his misery. 

It was the last thing she wanted to happen, but she had to choose between him and their daughter. Unfortunately, she could only pick one. But it was a decision she would never regret.

"You are right. There is nothing else we could do but accept the situation." Her ex-lover, the father of her child, said to her. "But there are several questions that I need answers to."

His eyes shifted from hurt to a tinge of anger and interest as he stared at her. She could tell that it was a question that she might not want to answer at all.

"I hope you will answer truthfully." He added while waiting for her to consider his request.

But before she could say anything, the staff informed them that dinner was ready. Saved by the bell was her initial reaction. But was she only prolonging the inevitable?