Chapter 299

She would say that last night had been fun because she was partying with the people that were important to her. And not because she was thrilled that she was about to get hitched.

Staring at herself in the mirror was giving her the creeps. She looked like a Princess on her way to her fantasy wedding, but she felt like she was mourning the death of her freedom.

"Hey, my darling. You look like a lovely bride about to take off and never look back." Someone on her back greeted her. 

Looking up from the mirror, she saw Abby and her other friends walk over to her, wearing those goofy smiles on their gorgeous faces. Funnily, that was what she felt like doing.

"Let me check if she is wearing her running shoes," Nat said as she peeked under her long white gown.

It was no secret that she had thought of running away from this marriage. But, of course, thinking about it and doing it were two different things.