Chapter 303

If he could not be happy in love, maybe he could help someone who might. That was what he thought as he meddled in someone else's affair.

He would not say he was a love guru. But he would claim he knew a few things about caring for and loving someone from afar. He knew the signs because he was in the same boat.

"What is it?" Nat asked, looking both curious and skeptical. But, of course, he could not blame her for doubting him.

First, he did not have a clean record regarding his relationships with the opposite sex. Then, he never had a serious relationship to vouch for.

But deep inside, he knew what love was.

He felt it.

He had loved once.

Unfortunately, he lost.

"If you let me test my theory, I can show you," Cole told her. 

He believed telling her what he thought was ineffective. He thought actions could speak louder than words.