Chapter 313

Leana watched everyone as her husband guided her out of the mansion and into their awaiting car. The wedding ceremony was over. She was now a married woman. 

The party was about to end, but she and her husband were leaving for their next destination. 

Yeah! Her honeymoon.

Everyone seemed to be excited, but not her. It was the least of her favorite part of this entire ordeal. Not that she had a choice.

"Hey, smile, my darling. It is still your wedding, not your funeral." Her mother whispered to her ears as she said her final goodbye before she rode the car that would take them to the private airport.

She forced a smile on her lips as she waved goodbye to everyone. "Just a few minutes more," Leana muttered to herself. The charade would be over, at least for today.

She finally sighed when the car pulled out of her father's driveway and out the gates. It was like someone just pulled out a gigantic thorn in her side.