Chapter 318

King Lance barely slept last night after his encounter with his father. Every time he closed his eyes, he imagined the betrayal that his father did. And the treacherous actions of the Queen.

He could not stop thinking of the consequences of their actions. And what steps he had to take to bring justice to all those wronged by their criminal acts.

"Aaahhh!" He could only sigh in frustration as he tossed in his bed.

How many people had suffered because of his father's traitorous actions? His father did not only betray him but the Kingdom, especially his kids, who would gravely suffer from the consequence of his lie.

Then, there was the Queen. He trusted her to stand by his side and bring life to his kids. How could she live with her deceits? How could she fool him with such a heart-shuttering lie?

"Elvira, how could you do this to me and my kids?" His mind questioned as he thought of Jake and Annette. What would happen to them if the truth came out?