Chapter 343

His hands rubbed off the growing headache in his head, letting his fingers massage each of his temples, hoping to relieve the increasing tension in his body. 

It seemed that he had overlooked this part of his life. He had failed to see the consequence of his action and its impact on his future.

"Where is my grandfather?" He asked as soon as he entered the palace, facing Arnold on the threshold.

He guessed he only had himself to blame for his present trouble. He had been too stubborn to listen to his grandfather. 

The Count had already cautioned him about his affair with his best friend. But he refused to heed his warning, believing nothing would go wrong. 

"Prince Liam, the Count is in his study." Arnold directed him to the pathway leading to his grandfather's private office.

At this point, his mind was still busy dealing with the outcome of her earlier meeting. Would Eli finally leave his company to move on with her life?