Full Moon



The snarls and cries of my group echo in my head as I run or more like stumble my way forwards.

I whimper dragging myself on the cold ground, my right back leg was broken and my skin was hanging down in tattered flaps swinging as I struggled to pick myself back up. I look around, my nose high in the air as I try to associate each of the basic smells infiltrating my senses.

The full moon makes it easier to see if not for the lightheaded feeling washing over my entire body and the blue hue casts an eerie look about things, shadows cast randomly through the surrounding areas, making me even more paranoid.

I couldn't decipher anything much more than shadows as darkness hedges across my vision in little lightning bolts, the pressure in my head pounding and I whine as I walk, equivalent to a human groan after getting hurt.

I went into a town, which I know I wasn't supposed to do, wolf laws state you cannot step foot into any human territory but because my hunting party was attacked by a large pack of rogues, I had no choice but to flee.

I ran into the town hoping to turn back into human form, but because of the amount of pain I was in, I found I could not change back, so I had to stay in my wolf form.

I heard people's shouts and children's laughter, so I avoided any humans and tried to leave, but werewolf hunters were arriving, making me have to turn around and I had a run-in with a household dog.

Me being a werewolf, I was a lot bigger than regular-sized wolves, but that dog must have had many run-ins with other animals as it had many scars on its body and it knew how to fight. Me being an Alpha, I have what they call compulsion, but that only works on other werewolves, the st. Bernard got its jaws around me and would not let go.

The fight with that dog ripped open my leg even more and further punctured my ribs, if I was human I wouldn't survive all the blood loss, but because I was a werewolf, I would heal but not for some time.

I smelt her before I saw her, wood and a hint of cinnamon.

"Yeah, it's going to be a bad one. Alright goodby-" I hear a gasp and my eyes instantly lock onto a woman with a small frame and the greenest eyes I've ever seen.

Cinnamon infiltrated my senses as soon as she turned towards me in a flash and I held my muscles stone still as we both stare at one another, afraid of what the other would do, too scared to move even an inch.

I moved to the left and stepped on a branch that snapped under my weight throwing me down with a whine that ended in a howl and everything turned black as I fall to the ground with a large thump succumbing to the darkness that welcomed me.