Odd Pains


It was the second day of being inside the human's cabin. I woke up and stretched my limbs right out and notice the human shivering probably freezing. By the temperature of the hardwood floor, I'd say she is an icebox.

I got up from my position curled around her and took a throw blanket from across the back of her couch and draped it across her. I then go back around and flop on the ground getting comfortable once again to go back to sleep for a while and feel my stomach grumble.

It was still a full moon.

Full moons mean uncontrollable predator instincts and an insatiable hunger for running in the woods and hunting. Feeling your teeth sink into your prey's flesh, the primal instinct to tear something apart and consume it.

I could feel the muscle deep in my body stirring with the need to want to run, to launch myself into the forest and hunt and run until my legs fall off. I was just about all healed. My ribs were only lightly bruised and the skin on my hind leg was healed except for an ugly scar adorned across my leg.

I could feel my strength returning to me within the seconds that tick by and that's thanks to my Alpha blood. If I wasn't an Alpha it would take a week for an average werewolf and the average wolf probably would have died.

The more the strength returns to me the more I want to run wild in the woods and continue my predator instinct by killing and consuming the precious meat. But something stops me, every time I want to launch myself into her windows to crash outside and be free but a little voice inside my head is always screaming at me not to.

I can never pinpoint the sound of the voice but it was always so familiar, like I've heard it before but not often.

I would need another two more days to fully heal and get back to my pack but the thing was the moon would be a full moon still and at the height of its peak, I don't know if I'll be abe to stop myself if it came down to me fully healed and taken over by the moon.

I couldn't trust myself around this human, I needed to leave. To go somewhere. Where I wouldn't have the chance to even come close to her.

She saved my life and gave me refuge when I was almost dead, I owed her. In fact, I owed her my life.

I would need to try and sneak away to go through the last of the full moon fully healed without so much as a peep. Obviously, this human loves animals and I highly doubt she would let me leave her sight so I would need to slip away whenever she falls asleep hopefully that would be during the day so I could have the day and night.

I grumble as my eyes automatically close from the exhaustion clinging to my body and my muscles relax as I am thrown into nightmares about the rogues and this human.


I woke up next to the wolf, still lying on the floor but somehow I had a blanket draped over me and the wolf had its head by my own, eyes closed tightly and even puffs of air came out of the wolfs nose.

It was alright. Given the circumstances of the wolfs health yesterday compared to today's was astounding. I went around the kitchen to brew a pot of coffee and notice the wolf barely limping on its back leg and it looked a lot better around the waist and ribs area.

"You look better than what you did before." I say smiling brightly.

I hear a yip and whirl around to see the wolfs mouth open and its tongue lolled out in a lopsided grin.

"Alright Wolf, today I'm going to cook some steak and yes I'll leave it a little more rare than usual." I let out a halfhearted chuckle as I make my way around the kitchen to grab some frozen meat from the freezer.

I open the door and I am instantly hit with a hot fever that clings to my skin, "You know, steak is actually really good-" I stop whatever I was saying and stare fixated on the frozen meat taken over by another trance-like state.

I don't know what is going on, but something doesn't feel right within me anymore. Since the attack from the two wolves, something feels really wrong. My body is really hot, something I am normally not in the wintertime.

The wolf barks at me snapping me out of my trance and I drop the frozen meat with gasp staring horrified down at the meat, "U-um, I really don't know what that was, but lets just ignore that." I say disturbed to my core.

The wolf whines and I look at it to see its head tilted to the side and it bends its head down slightly and look up at me from the position from the floor, almost as if worried.

"I'm alright." I assure the wolf and it picks itself back up lolling its tongue out of the side of iyts mouth.

But I wasn't alright. I was from from alright.

The sweat collects on my back and neck.

My skin was crawling.


A deep hunger settles in my stomach and seems to spring my stomach up into my throat.

The hunger crawls through my body and settles in my spine, the hunger seeping into my whole body making me want to thrash my head away.

This is really odd. I have been hungry in my lifetime, but never in my life has I ever experienced that kind of hunger. That was an odd hunger.

I stare out into space confused the whole time I cooked the steak, half with spices and half plain for the wolf. I got two pieces one to cook and more cooked for me, I thought that wolves would eat at least a little bit of a cooked steak, but when I gave it to the wolf, it turned its head to the cooked meat.

I try again but give it raw steak this time and it gobbled it right up, I look at my own steak and feel like I want to throw up, I tried to eat a few bites and failed as I gag on a piece of steak lodged in my throat, coughing up the hot spices.

The hunger still roots itself deep within me, unable to shake it off it clings to me as I clean up the stove and put the dishes in the dishwasher.