Chapter 45.

Emily's POV

"Why don't you answer, little girlfriend?" She sentences sounding reluctant when referring to me.

We had not even crossed more than three words and it already seemed to annoy her to the point that he spoke of me in the third person, as if I were not there. It was clear that this girl's presence was not to Nathan's liking, his expression reflected anything but comfort and personally, I had no doubt why he did not feel good with this girl around. As for me, I didn't even know her and I already felt a little headache.

Finally, he gathers his courage and slurs his words, and introduces her: "This is Carla" The brown-haired one smiles sarcastically at me the moment she hears her name. Nathan can't deal with her attitude and without moderating his tone asks her to leave. "Come on, you've confirmed it, now leave."