Chapter 51.

Emily's POV

After several seconds, I hear how he starts to hit the steering wheel to the rhythm of the music, and after thinking about it several times he speaks: "Do you want to know something intimate about me? Not like what they post on the web, really something personal." He says making me focus my eyes on him once again.

By the neutrality on his face, I can see he is serious, then curiosity invades my blood again so I raise my eyebrows puzzled by the proposal.

"Are you going to show me your penis?" Without rationing I ask.

When I felt confident I used to say reckless things. Very reckless as it is. After a moment my brain was still not assimilating what had just come out of my mouth so I end up with two cheeks flushed with embarrassment.

Luckily for me, Nathan only laughs when he sees me so embarrassed by my fatal comment, so he passes him by without further mention.