Chapter 91.

Nathan POV

She listens to me intently, expressionless, and then shakes her head in pure disapproval.

"For some things, you're so brilliant and for others, you have the intelligence and reason of a walnut. Why do you get to play boyfriends, a man with feelings with the one girl in London you shouldn't?" She asks.

"Because that's the way it is, we've been playing boyfriends for as long as I've known you Michael only I've gone off the vat at some point and now I feel like I've got the water up to my neck."

"Well because you do!" She raises his voice: "I know you and your insatiable heterocuriosity and the moment you screw up and hurt her feelings, that girl will be gone and our months of work will be in the garbage."

She brings the two fingers of one hand up to the bridge of her nose and after being silent for several seconds, lets out an exhale fully of disappointment.