Chapter 105.

Emily POV

"What do you mean Nathan, what have you been hiding from me?" I implore at that question feeling my heartbeat rise up into my throat thanks to my overwhelm. He soon shakes his head and with one of his hands, he takes me by the arm and begins to caress the skin in the area knowing the calming effect that had on me.

"It's not as bad as you think it is, little eyes" he says.

"Then tell me."


"Tell me what you think I'm hiding from you Em."

He mumbles in that sexy voice that was loaded throwing the ball to me on this side of the court. Instinctively I close my eyes and frown containing all the emotional madness that was raging inside me.

"I think the will requires you to have a wife Nathan, not a bride" I mumble fearful that I won't correct myself.

My eyes open again and I find him closer, with an expression full of longing replacing words for several seconds. I see him hesitate, I see him tubular and after some thought, and he speaks.